
Monday, July 16, 2012

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello everyone.  First of all, let me introduce myself.  I am Carlene Snyder, a certified holistic health coach and founder and chief excitement officer of Zensational Health.

I did not start out to become a holistic health coach.  In fact, up until two years ago, I had no idea that such a career even existed.  So how did this come about for me?

Well, when you're ready to see things in your life differently, the people, places, and events show up to provide you the opportunity to grow, and for once in my life, I didn't hesitate.  I took action!

You see, for years I worked at a local utility company in an administrative capacity.  While the company was great and the people were wonderful, I just didn't enjoy the work.  You see, I felt like that what I was doing wasn't making a difference.  In other words, my heart just wasn't in it.  On top of that, I developed a chronic digestive disorder that made me feel terrible.  After trying every prescription that the doctors gave me with no relief, I finally decided that there had to be a better way.

At the age of 54, through a long process of soul searching and coming to terms with the "gifts" of my dis-ease, I happened to discover the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.  The decision to enroll was a decision that has turned my life around.

Today, I am retired from my corporate job and I'm starting my own business.  I am changing the way I am looking at life, my food, and myself.  I am learning to enjoy my life, eat whole, real foods and enjoy them, and trust my choices.  No longer do I live my life hoping to win the approval of everyone else.  I am learning to listen to the messages that my body is sending me, and I'm doing what makes me happy and living a life of purpose where I truly love and honor myself.

In this blog, I'll be sharing my journey with all of you.  Do I have all the answers?  Absolutely not!  But what I do have is a new attitude of gratitude, a new appreciation of my own unique talents and gifts, and a passion to help others discover that they too are a unique expression of the Divine.

I hope you'll enjoy what I share with you, and that you will share your own personal challenges with me as well. Together we can make this a life of purpose, passion, and power. 

Yours for a Zensational Life,



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Carrie. I wouldn't have started on this journey without your Facebook post. Thank you so much! You are my inspiration!

  2. What a perfect thing to say, Carlene! I've already forward this post to others - keep writing!

  3. I love your story-- what a wonderful transformation. Beautiful blog!
